Saturday, June 4, 2011

Maude Flanders is alive & well and living in Morgan's Grant

"What of the children!?!?"

The hysterical reaction to a coyote in Morgan's Grant has stirred tabloid pens and brought hand-wringing mummies to the rescue. Once animal lovers, they now fairly shriek "I taw it! I did taw a Coyote!"

Erroneous descriptions are nothing new on Law & Order Kanata, this one seems distorted by estrogen (and maybe even some Margueritas) leading to Maude's Paul Martin-like grimace and: "It's a big boy, that's for sure! Had to be 60, 70 pounds!"

Listen lady, coyotes are small wild dogs, slightly larger than most foxes (also seen in these suburban parts). They're skinny little things and eat mice, garbage, maybe a squirrel on a good day.

Our coyote is a female. She is now a mother. She has at least 3 pups. I have seen her twice, once I was inadvertently within 12-15 feet of her and all she wants to do is raise her little family in peace. There are no wolves here to kill her pups. Nor hillbillies with guns. The suburbs are safe. Still lots of field mice and I guess garbage and maybe even green box morsels.

This skinny little mama is just trying to get by, calm down. When the pups are bigger they'll all move on. For now just say "Howdy Neighborino!' like your hubby Neddy would.

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