Monday, March 12, 2007

Whither the Pickton trial?

Isn't it funny (as in strange) how the media moved on, I really thought they would flog it longer...but there's been Anna Nicole's death and so much more since then....

It seems as if my concerns about my revulsion, their sensationalism and our being bludgeoned to death daily with the vile disgusting details was premature. I'm sure it will pick up again at some point but that's the media's ADD and 'rat pack' behaviour. "Monkey see, monkey do." There is little or no independent thought or action in the media. The increasing concentration of ownership (which would not be permitted in other democracies) only cheats us of the balance and independent thought we deserve.

There are many pontificating ideologues posing as 'mainstream' reporters yes but the cliquey clannish 'herd'-like patterns, well, if the initial hysteria over the shocking details of the Pickton mass murder trial was not a typical example then sudden fading of interest surely is.

Now, let's see them drop last year's joke Al Gore and move on to something or someone else. Enough is enough.

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