Sunday, March 11, 2007

When "Global Warming" isn't

The Global Warming that is "destroying" the planet came within one measly day of setting an all time record for the longest outdoor skating season in history on Ottawa's scenic Rideau Canal.

The record cold snap January-date (March 11) has meant the treasured canal has been open for 45 days straight without interruption, coming within ONE day of the previous and still standing all time record. That record was set a long time ago, before "Global Warming". In 2004.

And this after "Laurie David" Suzuki made terrible pronunciations about losing outdoor skating, outdoor hockey rinks and Canadian indentity.

Suzuki lives in a mansion on Kitsilano Beach in Vancouver and has another mansion somewhere in BC, possibly on Saltspring Island.

Hours after his dire warnings of the end of the Canadian hockey loving way of life the Toronto Maple Leafs practised outside in T.O. in frigid temperatures to the delight of school aged fans. The Leafs looked terribly uncomfortable in their balaclavas beneath their helmets but that's what you've got to do to stay safe from frostbite when it's -20C or worse.

To compound the insanity Suzuki then came to Ottawa (one of several winter visits by jet airplane or by his huge 54 seat Prevost dirty diesel bus) for an OUTDOOR hockey game featuring Edmonton Oilers alumni, only to be seen trembling by an open fire, trying to keep himself warm with Gord downer of the Practically Hip.

End of our way of life eh?

The two longest and most successful canal seasons? 2007 and 2004. Sounds like a trend to me. A "hockey stick climate change" perhaps?

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