Friday, February 23, 2007

Goldenberg Confesses Cretin's Kyoto Con

Jean Chretien's grey eminence Eddie Goldenberg admitted shamelessly to the media today that he and the Ti-Gars never had any intention of meeting the Kyoto targets when they negotiated and signed the treaty on behalf of Canadians.

Goldenberg was unrepentant yesterday in London ON, admitting that the Chretien Liberal government was not ready to take the difficult measures necessary to comply with Kyoto.

"I am not sure that Canadian public opinion - which was overwhelmingly in favour of ratifying Kyoto in the abstract - was then immediately ready for some of the concrete implementation measures that governments would have to take to address the issue of climate change. Nor was the government itself even ready at the time to do what had to be done. The Kyoto targets were extremely ambitious and it was very possible that short-term deadlines would at the end of the have to be extended."

The Liberals signed the treaty in 1997 and committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 6% below 1990 levels in 2008-2012. They did nothing and now emissions are 30% above that target. In an ironically timed coincidence, current Liberal leader Stephane Dion also came under fire today for his latest $14,000 Ottawa-to-Montreal limousine bill. No word on whether he would buy any "carbon offsets" as the David Suzuki Dirty Diesel Bus Tour has promised. (Hint: the Liberal Party is broke.)

Eddie Goldenberg is now an Ottawa lobbyist for TransCanada Pipelines, which supports a MacKenzie Valley pipeline to transport oil from Alaska to Alberta.

Jean Chretien is now a lobbyist for the Peoples Republic of China.

Canada? Well we're behind the multi-billion dollar boondoggle eight ball of yet another Liberal swindle.

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